We, the American Veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II, fully realizing our responsibility to our community, to our State, and our Nation, associate ourselves for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States; to safeguard the principles of freedom, liberty, and justice for all; to promote the cause of peace and goodwill among nations; to maintain inviolate the freedom of our country; to preserve the fundamentals of democracy; to perpetuate the friendship and associations of these veterans, and, to dedicate ourselves to the cause of mutual assistance, this by the grace of God.

The name of this organization shall be Guy W. Iversen AMVETS (American Veterans) Post #49 and it shall be hereinafter referred to as AMVETS.

The aims and purposes of this organization are as follows:
1. To serve our country in peace as in war; to build and maintain the welfare of the United States of America toward lasting prosperity and peace for all inhabitants.

2. To encourage, in keeping with policies of our Government, the establishment of a concrete plan to secure permanent international peace and to assist in the maintenance of international peace.

3. To inspire in our membership a sense of responsibility, and to develop leadership for the preservation of our American democratic way of life.

4. To help unify divergent groups in the overall interest of American democracy.

5. To train our youth to become purposeful citizens in democracy with full knowledge of the responsibilities as well as privileges of citizenship.

6. To cooperate with all duly recognized existing veteran organizations in the furtherance of the aims of the veterans who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II.

7. To insure the orderly return of the veteran to civilian life by protecting his rights as an individual while he is still in uniform.

8. To expedite and assist in the rehabilitation of veterans by maintenance of employment services, sponsoring educational opportunities, and providing counsel of insurance, housing, recreation, personal problems, hospitalization, and veterans benefits.

9. To act as liaison agent between the veteran and the government.

10. To provide an organization to encourage fellowship among all veterans who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II.

11. To keep the public forever reminded that the veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II, fought and served to preserve peace, liberty and democracy for their nation.


Section 1. This post shall meet on the first Tuesday of every month at a place designated at the previous meeting unless a special meeting shall have been called.

Section 2. There shall be three types of meetings: The general monthly meeting, the special meeting, and the annual meeting.

Section 3. The order of business shall be prescribed by the Executive Committee and may be changed from time to time. At the general meeting, nominations for officers shall be entertained and announcement of the business to be considered at the annual meeting will be made. Further nominations may be made from the floor at the annual meeting, on a majority basis.

Section 4. The annual meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday of May every year.

Section 5. At each meeting, all members in good standing shall be entitled to vote.


Section 1. Any person who served or is currently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America at any time after September 15, 1940, is eligible for regular membership in AMVETS providing such service, when terminated by discharge or release from active duty be by honorable discharge, honorable separation, or general discharge under honorable conditions. Any American citizen, as an American citizen, who served in the Armed Forces of an allied nation of the United States, at any time after September 15, 1940, and before May 8, 1975, is eligible for regular membership in AMVETS, provided such service when terminated by discharge or release from active duty is by honorable discharge or honorable separation. No person who is a member of, or who advocates the principles of any organization believing in, or working for the overthrow of the United States Government by force, and no American citizen or permanent resident alien in the United States, one of its territories, possessions or District of Columbia who refuses to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States shall be privileged to become, or continue to be a member of this organization. All United States Reservists and National Guardsmen who are now serving, or have been honorably discharged since September 15, 1940, are eligible for regular membership in AMVETS provided such service when terminated by discharge or release from active duty be by honorable discharge or honorable separation.

Section 2. Merchant Marines who are considered veterans and eligible for VA benefits and have received a DD214 from either the Navy or the Coast Guard are eligible for membership in the AMVETS.

Section 3. Honorary memberships shall not be granted. In lieu thereof, Certificates of Merit may be awarded by a suitable inscribed award given to those rendering distinct service to the community and the veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II. Such awards may be made by Posts, intermediate administrative groups, State Departments, the National Executive Committee, National Department or the National Convention. Awards by posts and intermediate administrative groups must be approved by Department Executive Committees. No member of AMVETS shall be entitled to receive a certificate of merit.

Section 4. No member shall be a member of more than one Post at one and the same time.

Section 5. Any member of AMVETS classified as a member-at-large shall not hold an elected or appointed office at any level in the AMVETS organization.

Section 6. Membership shall run from September 1 through August 31. Subordinate organizations shall establish their own membership year. Eligibility for membership and the rights and privileges of members shall be as provided in the Constitution and By-Laws and the terms of membership and requirement for holding office within AMVETS, shall not be discriminatory on the basis of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation or National Origin.


Section 1. At the regular March Post meeting, the Post Commander will name two Past Post Commanders to serve together with himself as the Nominating Committee for the purpose of identifying a complete roster of officers to be nominated at the April Post Meeting. Other nominations may be made from the floor at the April and May Post Meetings with the election of officers to follow at the May Post Meeting.

Section 2. A Commander, not more than three vice-commanders, designated as First, Second, and Third Vice-Commanders, adjutant, finance officer, provost marshal, and judge advocate shall be elected annually by members of the Post.

Section 3. The election of said officers shall be held at the annual meeting of the Post between May 1 and June 30. The Annual Meeting of the Post shall be held in May, unless changed by a two-thirds vote of the membership at a duly called meeting where a quorum is present and voting.

The elected officers of this Post, the immediate Past Post Commander, and the President of the Board of Trustees shall constitute the Executive Committee which shall be charged with the administrative affairs and property of the Post. The Commander shall be the chairman of the Executive Committee, but shall vote only in case of a tie. Appointive officers shall may sit on the Executive Committee, but shall not have the right to vote.


This Constitution may be amended at the Annual Meeting by a three-fourths vote of the members present and voting. Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be submitted, in writing, to the Executive Committee during the April Business Meeting. The membership shall be notified of the proposed changes at least ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting. This Constitution may be amended at any Annual Meeting, without notice, by a unanimous vote of the members present and voting. Copies of all approved amendments shall be forwarded tot he Department Headquarters by the Adjutant within thirty (30) days after their adoption.

Approved and adopted at the Regular Business Meeting of AMVETS Post #49, May 1, 2018.

Marvin Mattfeld, Commander Barry D. Remington, Adjutant